As you know, COVID has played havoc with our club’s ability to hold events at the island as well as put on our major fundraiser, the Crab Feed. We normally raise over $10,000 annually and use the funds to hold club-sponsored events as well as maintain and improve our island facilities. We are hopeful that we will be able to carry out the social calendar as planned, at least starting in May. In addition, your Board of Directors is pushing to complete the inside work at the clubhouse before the season opens!
With that in mind, we are asking each member (family) to consider making a donation to the club in lieu of the money you might have spent at events since last spring. For each donation, a special “Star Member” sticker will be awarded which can be proudly displayed on your boat!
Yes, I would like to make a tax deductible donation today and become a “Star Member”!
Click the donate button below and contribute the following amount for the following status:
Star Member = $50.00-$100.00
Silver Star Member = $150.00-$200.00
Gold Star Member = Over $200.00